if anyone is interested in trades or trade/deals/,i'm looking for a few things. i can give you any version H4 mask,Hero,Stunt,Drug Store. or a Malone,or Stab 3...for..
-accurate V for vendetta mask
-Powell Peralta oldschool/reissue decks,Hawk,McGill (snakeskin background). Kevin Harris,Mullen,Welinder,Ripper,Andy Anderson. i could buy these but the exchange rate is brutal right now. let me know
looking for these shapes and colours. i have other versions of these already.
comment here or email michael.c.g.72@gmail.com. thanks.
heres an idea of what i can do for trades.
new release STAB 3.
new sculpt. 10/31/88
new H4 sculpts coming as well