
Wednesday, March 19, 2025

cheaper creeper_V1 Hero_200

 oldschool V1. i was done with this sculpt but people ask for them still. its older of course but still looks good as seen here. this one had a small repair on the top(under the hair). the paint and hair are really good on it. spooky..vintage looking finish,.and a deal. 200 US shipped. 225 Canada. now in final processing. it will have eye screens. V1 is 23.5 inch. comment below or email if you want it.

Monday, March 17, 2025

new Halloween 4 sculpt. AllHallows 88 Returns *Promo/Fangoria #1*

preview,AllHallows 88 Returns. this is a retool of the AllHallows 88. i made a number of subtle changes. the size is right in the middle. 24 inch. i'm quite sure this is my best H4 sculpt.   

Promo/Fangoria #1. the first few masks from this test mold will have some crude texture,which suites this version very well.  i think this is the best promo/fangoria i've done. very accurate. everything on it is specific to that version of the mask. the awkward eyes,the paint texture,even the brows and hairline are different from other versions. it also has paint over application messed into the hair. it even has a hair stuck in the paint under the nose,like the real mask. not much else like this anywhere. all versions of the H4 mask will be coming from this sculpt eventually. contact me or comment below if you want this #1 prototype. 325 US shipped. 355 Canada.  email  


Thursday, March 13, 2025

STAB 3 blank_sold

 200 US shipped or 250 Canada. nice Stab 3 blank. 24 inch. medium thickness. uncut. if you want the eyes cut,i can do that also. email or comment here if you want it.


Saturday, March 1, 2025

"flawed" Nightmare 88 Hero H4_sold

 i'm calling this one flawed but theres not much to see.  its just a bit more sloppy than usual. there is a very small hole somewhere on the neck extension. also some white paint over-application on the eye screen. the mouth is partially cut. stuff like that. basically a weird copy but it looks very good as seen here. lots of detail,last day of filming look. very good eyes. oldschool Nightmare 88. i'm probably going to retire this one soon. new AllHallows 88 is coming right up and is better. this one is real good though and at a lower price. 200 shipped US takes it. 225 Canada.  these are a smaller 23.4 - 24 inch. comment below or email if you want it. 
